Evolving jQuery UI For Web Components

My job centers around writing reusable javascript components. As a result, I spend a lot of time reading, a lot of time writing code, and a lot of time revisiting those things I’ve previously written, and trying to improve upon them. In recent months, I’ve been obsessed with performance improvements, both with rendering state as well as optimizing them for the browser’s paint cycles. There are, by now, plenty of articles out there about window.requestAnimationFrame(), deferred objects and promises, development patterns, up-and-coming Web Components proposals, etc. This article is going to be an attempt to marry a lot of those disparate concepts in the context of the jQuery UI Widget Factory, which is one of the more widely used frameworks out there for reusable UI components.
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To Bootstrap, or Not to Bootstrap…

We have a new product we’re apparently looking to spin off here at work, and as part of that conversation, someone threw out the words “Twitter Bootstrap“. For those of you not familiar with Bootstrap, it’s a predefined set of (both stylistic and javascript) visual components and layout scaffolding that makes it fairly quick and easy to prototype websites, and is pretty snazzy in appearance to my developer’s eye, though you might hear differently from designers. Continue reading